Registration & Enrollment


Partnerships begin with families!

STEP 1. Complete Online Registration & schedule Intake Meeting for CHHS

STEP 2. Ensure Positive home learning environment & technology/internet access

STEP 3. Talk about student interests, hobbies, and why you've been selected to attend CHHS

STEP 4. Explain your objectives for the school year; educational plan; life after high school, etc.

STEP 5, Set measurable credit and award goals

STEP 6. Discuss the best ways and times to communicate with office staff, teachers, counselors, and campus supervisors

STEP 7. Log into daily to check attendance and grades. Share your work in Google classroom with parents.

STEP 7. Encourage participation in college & career readiness activities, volunteering, homework helpline, tutoring, School Site Council, Leadership, etc.

Students are advised of the school's expectations for attendance, behavior, and productivity, and also of the many support services available to help students be successful.  Student and parent/guardians are encouraged to ask questions and to become full participants in the educational opportunities at Calaveras Hills High School.

View our student handbook here in English and Spanish below. 

Handbook 2017 2018.docx
Preparatoria de Calaveras Hills.docx