Why Attend Calalaveras Hills High School?
Who Attends CHHS?
Who Attends CHHS?
- 10-12 graders who are 16 (10th graders accepted by referral)
- Working/Teen Parents
- Gifted and Talented/Academically Advanced
- Credit Recovery Students
- Students who want or will benefit from a smaller environment
- Students who want a fresh start
Benefits of CHHS
Benefits of CHHS
- Comprehensive Program
- A-G college entrance courses for most courses
- Dual SJCC college enrollment
- Smaller class sizes with more one-on-one teacher support and smaller school
- Daily Advisory Program
- Bi-monthly SEL Program
- Yearbook/Leadership Course
- Encouraging Environment focused on Graduation
- Student Voice
- Athletics Program
- Awards and Scholarships
- Build relationships with adults on campus
- Independent Studies Program
- Work Experience
Calaveras Hills High School
1331 E. Calaveras Blvd. Building E & F
Milpitas, CA 95035
408.635.2690 Phone | 408.635.2615 Fax
Milpitas Unified School District
1331 E. Calaveras Blvd.
Milpitas, CA 95035
408.635.2600 Phone